Sue city YouTube videos

Police Officer BODY SLAMS Guy Going To Work

YouTube Video

Police Officer BODY SLAMS Guy Going To Work

In this video, I share the suppressed dashcam footage of Tyler Canaris being violently detained by Deputy Michael McMaster while on his way to work in Paulding County, Georgia. The officer wrongly accused him of breaking into cars and demanded he remove his backpack without explanation. Despite Tyler's compliance, McMaster bear hugged him from behind and body slammed him into the pavement, causing severe injuries, including a fractured skull, ruptured eardrum, and broken collarbone.  

The Sheriff's department charged Tyler with obstruction and later dropped the charges, only to recharge him after Tyler filed a civil rights lawsuit against the department and Officer McMaster. When this footage leaked on YouTube, the public outcry in response forced an independent investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which resulted in the termination of Deputy McMaster.

In this video, I discuss Tyler's case, examine McMaster’s use of force, and evaluate Tyler's chances of success in court, including an estimate of the amount of damages he's entitled to. Join me as we take a look at the civil rights McMaster violated, and the strength of Tyler's court case.

⚖️ Discovery documents for the case:


☎️  If you believe your civil rights have been violated and would like my help on your case, call for a free consultation at 888-SUE-CITY (that's 888-783-2489).

*The information above is general information meant for educational purposes, and does not create an attorney-client relationship with any person who views it. If you think you need personalized legal assistance, always speak with a qualified attorney. Remember: Results vary. Prior Results do not guarantee future outcomes.

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